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Guide to Belarusian sweets: Part 1

Since I live far away from my homeland I appreciate more the diversity of sweets Belarus can offer. And it comes not because of nostalgia but common sense.
Belarus is a habitat of budget-friendly and quality delights. It accumulated best receipts of traditional Soviet Union times' sweets and added variety of authentic belarusian confectionary.
The most famous and top-ranked delight is sgushchenka from Rogachev (also from Glubokoye).

Sgushchenka from Belarus is considered to be both delicious and free from additives product, even Russians and Ukranians prefer to buy it instead of own analogue products.
Then chocolate. "Stolychnye" candies.
These are probably the most popular chocolates among both tourists and belarusians. The delicious cream fondant and alcohol pairing covered with bitter sweet chocolate will bring you to the heaven. Stolychnye is like a combination of Anthon Berg liqueurs and Mozartkugeln.
The taste of "Duet" is some similar. It reveals the perfect fusion of milk-honey and fondant-cream layers with cognac covered with dark chocolate.
One more item in the list of quality chocolates is chocolate bar with fudge-cream filling. It brings perfectly mixture of butter, sgushchenka, cognac and treacle. And its price is incredibly budget-friendly.
Belarusians love chocolate so much that local companies offer packaging of 1 kilo and 500 gram like this below.
Belarus is a home for innumerable fine sweets. Some of their names like “Grasshoper”, “Bird’s milk”, “Crabs’ necks” or “Bear in the meadow” would seem really weird for foreigners. On the other hand the names like  “Birch tree”, ”Troitskoye Predmest’ye” or “Belarusian potatoes” reveal the features of the country.


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