Let's learn what products-liers advertised as "healthy" you must avoid to lose weight indeed:
1. Low-fat milk products. These are not healthy, not nutritional, not tasty. You become hungry just in 1 hour after this kind of meal. It is better to choose food with normal fat ratio.
2. "Fitness" cereals. In reality don't seem to be healthy at all as these contain not whole grains of wheat or rice and additionaly triple sugar combined of sugar syrup, glycose syrup and brown sugar.
3. Attractive polished identical apples, strawberries and other fruits & vegetables at grossmarkets where those are mostly genetically modified.
It is not always easy to find healthy savory products from farm but for long and energetic living nowadays you can create your own farm and garden or to make effort to find and buy real food from people who care about other people's health and nature.
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