К основному контенту

The guide of best sweets in Istanbul

Everybody who visits Turkey is bound to try baklava - East origin dessert. In Istanbul you must remember one place for the best experience with this sweet - Karaköy Güllüoğlü - hard to pronounce and hard to get stopped after trying any kind of baklava sold there. Here you'll always find fresh-backed sweet. I highly recommend to taste Fıstıklı Kare Baklava, Fıstıklı Durum and Cevizli burma to start with. These are classics in the baklava world. For more heavenly taste accompany them with kaymak - turkish fresh cream. For your second visit choose Fıstıklı şöbiyet and Fıstık ezmesi that you also should try there.
The other east origin sweet you will fall in love with in Istanbul is lokum - turkish delight. From all the kinds decide for lokum with pistachios and pomegranate juice or milk. These are sold everywhere in the city.

If you count yourself a chocolate cake junkie, I know the place in Istanbul for giving delight to your taste buds -
J'adore Chocolatier & Cafe in Istiklal caddesi.
Most probably you will face some queue in front of this small cafe. But it only proves the high quality and decadent taste of sweets offered there.
The best seller is chocolate cake made following 1957 Avedis Bey's recipe. This masterpiece is made of triple chocolate - in dough, cream and thick layer of glazing.

Ice cream. Two places you must keep in mind to try the most delicious ice cream in Istanbul: Cremeria Milano and Girandola Dondurma. These two are of italian origin and who once tried gelato in Roma will not be deluded.
We start with Cremeria Milano.  The must try number one is yogurt ice cream. The very unusual salty-sweet savour refreshes and nourishes you at once. The other special Turkish flavor is mastic gum so you are adviced to taste this kind of ice cream. To enjoy complex flavour combine sweet and sour or milk-based ice cream and sorbe like chocolate-cherry or banana-lemon. The richness and purity of tastes will keep sending you back for more and more visits.

In Girandola Dondurma in Bebek on the Bosphorus coast you will discover and take delight in some new beguiling flavors. Among them are fig, peach, mandarine, watermelon which you are free to eat separately or try a dainty combination with pure milky ice cream or rich white chocolate one.
For quality chocolate tablets or truffels of Swiss or French origin just visit Gourme Garage or MacroCenter. These always offer a wide range of gourmet sweets.

Last of all I mention my favorite sweet -  künefe. It combines the heavenly taste of melting goat cheese with warm crunchy kadaif inside and pistachios on the top. Try it at Ekol Hatay Künefe if you are around or at any other place, nevertheless it will be delicious.


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