К основному контенту

7 reasons to choose Bodrum for visiting or even residing

I am happy to live on the Bodrum peninsula and I want you to reveal its beauty as well. Here I name 7 reasons that help you to choose Bodrum for visiting or even residing:

1. The beauty of nature: picturesque mountains covered with carpets of flowers and pine forests, lively birds chippering on your terrace and tortoises slowly crossing the roads, finally Aegean sea, noted for its purity, with countless beaches, spectacular bays and harbours.

2. Opulent cuisine and numerous farm markets with the freshest local foods at reasonable prices. You will enjoy Aegean cuisine, Turkish cuisine, fresh seafoods and countless vegetables and fruits.

3. Ancient monuments and artefacts that allow to encounter history: Bodrum castle, ancient theatre, Iasos – ancient city in the Milas region, and one of the seven wonders of the world - The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Bodrum is definetely a place where history awaits you at every corner. Even at the entrance of a small cafe you can find ruins of ancient gates.

4. Mild climate and flourishing winter. Blossom of mandarine and orange trees, innumerable chamomiles and poppies covering mountains. You don't need boots and parkas to survive in winter, but low shoe and wind breaker to walk on the seaside.

5. Closeness to Europe – Greece is just 4 km far from our place. Day trips to Kos are arranged on a regular basis.

6. Rich culture. Bodrum is one of few locations in Turkey where Ancient greek culture met Ottoman to create an admirable interweaving of traditions, cuisines and mindsets.

7. Aromatic juicy mandarins in winter and their redolent blossom in spring.


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